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Enough is ENOUGH
Campaign Message
Let’s end child hunger today

Our focus is on helping the most vulnerable children, in the most difficult places, overcome poverty and experience fullness of life.

 Gudu Kumar
Gudu Kumar
Age 10, Nepal, Boy
Age 12, Nepal, Boy
Doricas Michael
Doricas Michael
Age 7, Tanzania, Girl

How Child Sponsorship Works

When you become a Child Sponsor, both you and the child experience a life-changing and truly inspirational connection with each other.


Become a sponsor

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Sign up by choosing a monthly amount and be uniquely paired with a child living in one of the world's toughest places.
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Empower a community

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When you sponsor a child, you support their whole community to lift themselves out of poverty.
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See the difference

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Follow the journey through personal letters, updates, and photographs. We’ll send you a welcome pack within 4 weeks of you sponsoring a child.

How Child Sponsorship Works

Enjoy the incredible journey of your child's progress through personal letters, updates, and photographs, and watch as they are empowered to achieve their dreams. 

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Where your money goes when you sponsor a child

There is nothing else quite like sponsoring a child. Your generosity can make a measurable difference, a difference you can see and experience. 

  • You can protect and empower children living in the world's toughest places.
  • Children at risk of child marriage.
  • Children without an education.
  • Children without parents.
  • You can help impoverished families, children, and entire communities find hope in their future.

Where will your donation go?


Your money can help teach children in communities across the world. You can make sure not just one child, but future generations no longer live in poverty. You can help to fund community projects and clubs so children have endless opportunities to learn.











Success Story

With the help of child sponsorship, Nancy became one of the first girls in her community in Kenya to graduate high school and was inspired to become an emergency aid worker. Her sponsor, Georgie, is amazed at the impact that her child sponsorship has had on Nancy.

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“I would say to someone who is thinking about sponsoring a child - go ahead and do it, it is the most life changing thing ever!”

Frequently asked questions?

How do I sponsor a child?

You can easily sign up to sponsor a child by choosing a child above or by calling our Supporter Care Team on 01 498 0800

What you get when you sponsor a child?

How do you choose the children that will be sponsored?

All of World Vision's work begins with listening to communities in need. Community leaders work with us to identify the most vulnerable children and families who will benefit from Child Sponsorship.

How can I be sure my money gets to those in need?

World Vision only works within countries where we have our own offices so we can be sure that we can account for all the money that we receive and how it is used.

We have audited accounts that are publicly available at any time. As a charity, we're regulated by the Irish Charities Regulator – a legal body, which oversees all Irish charities and their activities.

We are a not-for-profit organisation, and we know that the continued support we receive is dependent on our efficient use of supporters’ money. Our Annual Reports are available here.

How do I write to the sponsored child?

Click here for top tips and guidelines on how to write to your sponsored child - wherever they are in the world. You can also send messages or photos online. Each year, we’ll send you a Christmas card and a birthday card, which you can write a message in and send to your child.