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Enough is ENOUGH
Campaign Message
Let’s end child hunger today

This report released ahead of COP28 reveals the opinions of people living in affected regions on the links between climate change, conflict, hunger, and displacement.

New data from communities in nine low- and middle-income countries shows that 86% people in those communities are already experiencing a wide variety of climate hazards, and more than 60% believe that climate change is specifically worsening conflict in their communities.

This report found that 80% of community members felt that climate change worsened their economic situation, and almost 60% completely agreed that climate was increasing the risk of hunger. The effects of climate change put people, and especially farmers and herders, in incredibly vulnerable positions that aggravate social tensions in their communities as they try to find new ways to make ends meet for their families. Community members almost unanimously agreed that climate change was leading to displacement either to or from their communities, and over a third of the people surveyed (35%) said they had experienced some form of conflict in the past 12 months. Many of those conflicts were due to either land or water disputes (27% and 20% respectively).

 “This research highlights the cost of decades of inaction on the part of the international community. It is urgent that leaders push for real action at this month’s COP. 2023 is on track to be the warmest year on record and climate change is visibly worsening violent conflict and hunger, forcing increasingly vulnerable people to move to new areas in search of grazing land, food, and safety.”

Mary Njeri, World Vision’s Global Hunger Response Director


"The findings of this report serve as a stark reminder of the issues we face, and the urgency needed to protect our planet. The effects of climate change has led to escalated conflict and displacement globally, creating a wicked feedback loop for the most vulnerable children and threatening their right to health, education and protection. As children are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, it is imperative that they are at the heart of planning and decision-making. 

World Vision are including five children on our delegation to COP28, three of which form part of the Irish delegation, who will be able to deliver our message directly. These passionate children are at COP28 to call for bold climate action. World Vision will support their voices as we appeal to nations to follow through on their funding commitments to support communities in adapting to the effects of climate change. We must act now to protect our planet for future generations. Failure to do so will result in not only warmer temperatures, but also increased violence and hunger across the globe.”

Gillian Barnett, World Vision Ireland CEO

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