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Enough is ENOUGH
Campaign Message
Let’s end child hunger today

Your support has brought hope to countless lives amidst crisis and disaster in fragile contexts.

Last year, millions of children around the world continued to live in dangerous places. Childhood Rescue has been there, supporting young lives to find the courage to survive, recover, and build a future. Here's how your gift made a global impact, in local ways:

  • 68,891 Afghan people got access to health facilities and medical assistance.
  • 20,773 children were supported through our child protection programmes in Honduras.
  • 9,680 Filipino children received school supplies to encourage enrolment.
  • 1,533 community members in the DRC received seed kits and livestock to improve farming and nutrition.

Our childhood rescue programmes make it possible for us to urgently respond with life-saving assistance when disaster strikes. With your continued support, we are committed to making a difference in the lives of vulnerable communities around the world. 

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Six World Vision staff in orange tshirts in front of a stand volunteering at a World Vision event

World Vision Ireland yearly impact report

With thanks to support we receive from the general public and institutional donors, World Vision Ireland’s work has been making an enormous impact.

How we use funds

How do we use each euro donated?

that benefit children, families, and communities in need

Administration Expenses

to enable us to carry out our work


that supports our valuable work around the world