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Enough is ENOUGH
Campaign Message
Let’s end child hunger today
Three boys

Hate and race-based injustice.

Hate and race-based injustice goes against everything we believe as a Christian organisation.

As a world-wide organisation we: are all one in Christ, equally and uniquely created in God’s image for a purpose. Our work focuses on supporting peace, ending injustice and ensuring that all children enjoy life in all of its fullness, regardless of race or ethnicity. oppose racial discrimination in all communities and we join in solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world as we pray for unity, strength and justice. invite you to join us in praying for those affected by this injustice and learn more about the issue of racial discrimination and how we can all help end it.

"For there is no doubt that racial injustice breaks the heart of God. It is abhorrent and it goes against everything we stand for as a Christian organisation.

How can your heart not be broken when children like Siplae, 13, from Cambodia, tell us: “I was isolated by my friends. They mocked me because of my darker skin and curly hair.” Or by 16-year-old Armando, from Colombia, who told us recently: “Many people think we’re thieves,” simply because of their race.

We want to live in a world where we can truthfully tell our children that racism has been consigned to the history books – not that they must live it in the present."


- Andrew Morley, World Vision International President & CEO

We believe racism is an abhorrent form of discrimination.

We believe racism is an abhorrent form of discrimination.

We will not allow discrimination to have any place in our organisation. That’s why we have been passionately and continually seeking to improve the diversity and inclusivity of our organisation, particularly recognising the lack of diversity at our senior management levels. From March 2020 we have included both gender and ethnicity diversity data in our quarterly performance reporting, building on a longer period of monitoring of gender diversity.

Over the last two years our Diversity and Inclusion actions have included in-depth unconscious bias training for our People and Culture Team and for members of our staff-led Diversity and Inclusion Group, the development of Equality in Recruitment Training for all managers and a commitment to having diverse candidate pools for all leadership recruitment.

Because we believe racial discrimination is particularly abhorrent, following the tragic and pivotal death of George Floyd in the US and in response to feedback from staff, our leadership team ran a number of “listening and learning” sessions where our BAME staff shared their experiences of discrimination outside the organisation and within it. It became clear that, despite the work done to date, our policies, processes and behaviours, however unintentional and unconscious, have still allowed some systemic racial discrimination to exist. We cannot accept this - and we will change.

We are therefore applying even more effort and greater urgency to this task and have already initiated a number of actions some of which are described below.


  • have published an updated and expanded Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan
  • have recommunicated all the channels open to staff for reporting incidents of discrimination, direct or indirect.
  • have reached out to external experts who will work with senior leadership to develop a truly inclusive culture
  • are improving the scope, quality and presentation of our quarterly diversity data
  • are updating our onboarding and induction to ensure that it is clear we will not tolerate racism or any other form of discrimination
  • are developing a mandatory learning programme for all staff that includes an exploration of unconscious bias, racism and wider issues of discrimination
  • have committed to having diverse candidate pools for all senior appointments and to tracking the progress of women and BAME candidates through the stages of recruitment to better understand where the blocks to appointment are
  • with the guidance of external ED&I experts, we will update our recruitment processes including reaching out to specialist recruitment agencies that will enable us to reach a more diverse candidate pool
  • through mentoring and development opportunities, we will be giving specific encouragement and support to all groups under-represented at our leadership levels


We acknowledge and are deeply saddened by our lack of awareness about how many of our talented and committed colleagues have been enduring discrimination their whole lives. We are committed to eliminating racism from our organisation.

Change will not happen overnight, which means that we must act - and act quickly. We know we will not get everything right, but we will try, and we will learn. The actions we are taking over the coming months will ensure we have inclusive policies and practices, that everyone is aware of what racism and other forms of discrimination look like, and is confident to challenge it, and that we will see greater diversity in the leadership of our organisation.

We will not rest until World Vision Ireland has ensured that all forms of racial discrimination are completely absent from our organisation.


"There shouldn't be any discrimination. We should all get the same rights."

- Sapna, 16 years old, India


"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

- Galatians 3:28

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